Jie Shen

Department of Mathematics, Purdue University

On the Accuracy of the Splitting Schemes for Incompressible Flows


In this talk, we will review various splitting schemes for solving time dependent Navier-Stokes equations. These schemes share the same advantage that one only needs to solve a sequence of decoupled Poisson-type equations at each time step and have been widely used in practice due to their efficiency and simplicity. However, since the splitting involves non-commutative operators, how to design accurate and stable splitting schemes is a very subtle issue.  We will present error estimates for two class of splitting schemes, namely pressure-correction and velocity-correction schemes and show that they all suffer from an irreducible splitting error. We will then present a new class of truly consistent splitting schemes.  Finally, we will discuss the influence of open boundary conditions on the accuracy of the splitting schemes.
Last updated by fass@amadeus.math.iit.edu  on 11/19/03