Peter Alfeld 

(Department of Mathematics, University of Utah) 

Multivariate Splines and the Four Color Map Theorem 



Multivariate splines are smooth piecewise polynomial functions defined on a triangulation. A long standing open question in the field is that of an explicit formula for the dimension of differentiable piecewise cubic splines. The fundamental problem is that the dimension of the spline space depends not just on the topology of the triangulation, but also on the precise location of the vertices. This talk describes an approach to answering that question by using the same techniques that were used to solve the four color map problem. Thus we construct an unavoidable set of sub-triangulations using a discharging technique. The ideas are illustrated by proving a dimension formula for differentiable piecewise quartic splines (a much simpler result) by the four color map techniques. That result, however, can also be obtained by simpler means. The work described here is very tentative but it does illustrate a perhaps unexpected connection between multivariate splines and the four color map problem. Central to the talk is the Bernstein Bezier form of a bivariate polynomial which will be introduced and explained in the talk. 

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Last updated by  on 02/16/01