David Erwin 

(Department of Mathematics, Western Michigan University) 

Radio Labelings and the Channel Assignment Problem


Informally, a radio labeling is a simplified, graph-theoretic model of FCC regulations governing the assignment of frequencies to commercial FM stations. Formally, a radio labeling of a connected graph G is an assignment of distinct positive integers to the vertices of G, with x labeled c(x), such that d(u,v) + |c(u)-c(v)| >= 1 + diam G for every two distinct vertices u,v of G. The radio number rn(c) of a radio labeling c of G is the maximum label assigned to a vertex of G. The radio number rn(G) of G is min{rn(c)} over all radio labelings c of G. I shall discuss the Channel Assignment Problem and some of the work that has been done on radio labelings.
This is joint work with Gary Chartrand, Frank Harary and Ping Zhang.
Last updated by  am@charlie.iit.edu  on 02/05/01