George Byrne

Professor emeritus (Applied Mathematics Department, IIT)

 VODE_F90, a Revision of VODE in Fortran 90


VODE_F90 is a software package for solving systems of first order ordinary differential equations and is based on VODE.  VODE_F90  has features of its Fortran 77 predecessor, as well as some new ones.  These include constraining the solution to lie within bounds, event location (also known as root finding or g-stops), linear algegra capabilities for dense, banded, and sparse Jacobians, setting options by name, detecting absolute error tolerances that exceed the maximum value of the corresponding component of the solution, and both stiff and non-stiff methods.

Examples will be given to support the description of the code.  The link to the  web site for downloading the code will be given and examples will be discussed which exercise various options.  The examples will involve both ordinary and partial differential equations.

This talk is joint work with S. Thompson (Radford University).
Last updated by  on 01/24/05