EXCILL III: Extremal
Combinatorics at Illinois

August 8th - August 10th, 2016
A conference hosted by the Department of Applied Mathematics at Illinois Institute of Technology
with support from the College of Science, IIT, NSF, and NSA

Organizers: Jozsef Balogh, Tao Jiang, Hemanshu Kaul, Dhruv Mubayi, Douglas B. West, Gexin Yu

What's new:


Combinatorics is the study of existence, enumeration, and optimization of discrete configurations. It has applications in computer science, operation research, genetics, and other natural and social sciences. This conference emphasizes its optimization and extremal aspects, with topics including extremal set theory, coloring theory for graphs and hypergraphs, Ramsey theory, cycles in graphs, discrete geometry, and probabilistic methods in combinatorics.

Confirmed speakers


Andrii Arman (University of Manitoba), Alexander Cameron (UIC), Michelle Delcourt (UIUC), Colin Desmarais (University of Manitoba), Miaomiao Han (West Virginia University), David Hannasch (UIUC), Laars Helenius (University of Western Michigan), Rachel Kirsch (University of Nebraska-Lincoln), Gal Kronenberg (Tel Aviv University), Jiaao Li (West Virginia University), Sarah Loeb (UIUC), Tamás Mészáros (Freie Universität Berlin), Jeffrey Mudrock (IIT), Luke Nelsen (University of Colorado Denver), Martin Rolek (University of Central Florida), Sergei Tsaturian (University of Manitoba), Adam Wagner (UIUC), Rupei Xu (University of Texas at Dallas)


Booklet with abstracts for talks and posters

 Monday, August 8th, 2016

8am-9am: Tea/Coffee
9am-9:35am Alon:Generalized Turan-type problems for graphs
9:40am-10:15am Nikiforov: The p-spectral radius and the spectral p-norm of hypergraphs and hypermatrices
10:15am-10:45am Break
10:45am-11:20am Kohayakawa: Parameter estimation for monotone graph properties
11:25am-12pm Suk: On the Erdős-Szekeres convex polygon problem
12pm-2pm Lunch break
2pm-2:35pm Stiebitz: Brooks' Theorem and Beyond
2:40pm-3:15pm Zhu: Defective online list colouring of planar graphs
3:15pm-3:45pm Break
3:45pm-4:20pm Haxell: Stability in hypergraph matching and transversal problems
4:25pm-5pm Pikhurko: Konig's Line Coloring and Vizing's Theorems for Graphings
5:30pm-7pm Poster Session

Tuesday, August 9th, 2016

8am-9am Tea/Coffee
9am-9:35am Babai: Graph Isomorphism in Quasipolynomial Time
Scott: Induced subgraphs of graphs with large chromatic number
9:40am-10:15am Chudnovsky: Approximately coloring graphs without long induced paths
10:15am-10:45am Break
10:45am-11:20am Yu: On the Kelmans-Seymour conjecture
11:25am-12pm Norin: Extremal properties of minor-closed classes of graphs
12pm-2pm Lunch break
2pm-2:35pm Conlon: Universality-type results in random graphs
2:40pm-3:15pm Fox: A tight bound for Green's arithmetic triangle removal lemma
3:15pm-3:45pm Break
3:45pm-4:20pm Keevash: Counting designs
4:25pm-5pm Furedi: On Erdős' conjecture on pentagonal edges and on other graphs
5pm-6pm Break/Discussion/Conference Photo
6pm-8pm Conference Dinner (Hermann Hall)

Wednesday, August 10th, 2016

8am-9am Tea/Coffee
9am-9:35am Frieze: On the insertion time of random walk cuckoo hashing
9:40am-10:15am Steger: Symmetric and asymmetric Ramsey properties in random hypergraphs
10:15am-10:45am Break
10:45am-11:20am Kuhn: A blow-up lemma for approximate decompositions
11:25am-12pm Osthus: On the decomposition threshold of a graph
12pm-2pm Lunch break
2pm-2:35pm Verstraete: On a generalized Turán problem
2:40pm-3:15pm Molla: Perfect triangle-tilings
3:15pm-3:45pm Break
3:45pm-4:20pm Lidicky: Decomposing random r-regular graphs into stars
4:25pm-5pm Kierstead: Recent results on disjoint cycles and equitable coloring

Locations (see map)

  • Break/Poster Session: MTCC Ballroom
  • Lunch breaks: independently, off-campus
  • Conference Dinner: Hermann Hall Ballroom
  • Talks:: MTCC Auditorium

Local Information

The meeting was held at McCormick Tribune Campus Center (MTCC) on the campus of Illinois Institute of Technology.
See map (as pdf) for relevant locations and local information sheet (also as webpage). The IIT travel webpage has information on travel directions, and includes a list of recommended hotels.

Registration, Financial Support, and Roommates

You can use https://conferenceshare.co/ for finding roommates.

Application for financial support/poster presentation/dinner tickets is closed.

Previous Meetings

Local Arrangements