MATH 332-001 Matrices (Elementary Linear Algebra)

Instructor: Hemanshu Kaul

Office: 234B, Engineering 1
Phone: (312) 567-3128
E-mail: kaul [at]

Time: 1:50pm, Monday and Wednesday.
Place: 203, Siegel Hall.

Office Hours: 3:05pm-4:15pm Monday, and 1pm-2pm Tuesday, walk-ins, and by appointment. Emailed questions are also encouraged.

Tutoring Service: Mathematics tutoring at the Academic Resource Center.

Online Problem Practice: Linear Algebra book at COW (Calculus on Web).

|Course Information| |Advice| |Announcements| |Examinations| |Homework| |Class Log| |Links|

Course Information:

The Course Information Handout has extensive description of the course - topics, textbook, student evaluation policy, as well as other relevant information. Read it carefully!

What is this course really about? Required reading.

The official course syllabi: MATH 332.

Advice for students:

Excellent advice by Doug West on how to write homework solutions for proof-based problems.

Why do we have to learn proofs?
Understanding Mathematics - a study guide
On a more abstract note, here is a discussion of Language and Grammar of Mathematics - which is what you are starting to learn in a course like this.

Excellent advice for math majors, especially those planning to go on to graduate school, by Terry Tao, 2006 Fields medallist. Required reading.

Class Announcements:


Homework Assignments:

Do not forget to do the reading HWs.
You only have to submit solutions to written problems. Solve the suggested problems for extra practice.

Class Log:

Links for Additional Information:

  • Student companion site for the textbook
  • Linear Algebra Toolkit for practice and play.
  • Linear Algebra Notes by Paul Dawkins.
  • Ask Dr. Math.

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